HSATV Press Release:
Date: April 4 2024
HSATV has been working through the process in gaining approvals from the municipality of Huron Kinloss to put off-road trails within municipal owned forest properties.
Plans started last fall with a proposal to utilize a portion of a wooded lot owned by the municipality for off-road trail use. This lot also neighbours a county forest that’s slated for trail development in 2024.
It gives me great pleasure that the municipality of Huron Kinloss has granted HSATV a land use agreement to build, use, and maintain trails within the lot shown below (proposed trails shown in blue).
Trails will be run on the north side of Dickie’s creek. This approval is phase 1 of a 3 phase project going on in 2024 to bring more forests trails to HSATV users. We are thrilled to have this new working relationship with the municipality of Huron Kinloss and look forward to having more opportunities at future municipal owned properties.
Thanks to all the volunteers, municipal staff, and the county for seeing the value in having off-road trails in the region.
Tyler Johnston, PMP
HSATV Club President